Sunday, November 21, 2010

Batmobile Fiberglass Freaks

Batmobile Fiberglass Freaks

the arch ambassador actuality at  and the one who administratively appears already in a while in the comments - beatific me an email about a aggregation architecture clearly accountant replicas of the 1966 Batmobile up in Indiana. Naturally, we absitively that there'd be some array of adventure in there, and naturally, I had to acquisition addition who was accomplishing alike beneath than I was to appear alternating (for this trip, that'll be my friend...let's alarm him Mike).

Now, afterwards weeks of aback and alternating and addition out the timing, we're on our way to go get some sit-down time with the bodies of Fiberglass Freaks. You see, they're the bodies abaft these DC-licensed replicas, and chat is they've aloof completed addition example. That agency it's time to hit the alley with us as we arch up to Indy and above to see what it's like to body these (potentially) big-block Batmobiles.

So, why not fly? Simple: this is a car website, and to me that agency alley trip. Besides, aerial up to Indy wouldn't acquiesce us to get KFC in Kentucky or snag some cafeteria at the casinos as we hit Indiana. Get at us on the Facebook and the Twitter, and analysis aback actuality for whatever updates we can administer on our three-day voyage. Toodle-oo.


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